
Archive for the “health” Category

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Jul 22 2008

Loud Music in Bars Linked to Increased Drinking: Health Files from the Drawer Marked ‘Obvious’

Posted by: thesharkguys in Top Ten, bars, booze, health, music, songs, study
The presence of a bunch of clipboard wielding scientists blocking access to the bar, is apparently not enough to dissuade people from drinking, according to a new study in which it was determined after much scrutiny of the data (and noting that the sky above is a shade of blue) that people tend to drink more where the music is louder.

Over the course of three weekends French researchers were able to marry work and pleasure by frittering away grant money on what is patently obvious to anyone who’s ever sidled up to a bar and thought to themselves, ‘you know what? this place would be a hell of a lot more fun if there was a live band, or at the very least, a stereo’.

According to researchers at the University of Southern Brittany, ‘environmental music played in a bar is associated with an increase in drinking’, and while we’re not sure what this means exactly, it might refer to Al Gore sitting in with the house band playing a carbon negative stand up bass.

Now, we’ve done comparable research ourselves, but had to fund it out of pocket and call it a tab when we came up with our Top 10 Bar Songs of All Time, a list which we highly recommend. And if you’re ever in a bar where a bunch of eggheads are trying to spoil your good time, buy ‘em a round and crank these to oblivion.

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Jul 22 2008

Loud Music in Bars Linked to Increased Drinking: Health Files from the Drawer Marked ‘Obvious’

Posted by: thesharkguys in Top Ten, bars, booze, health, music, songs, study
The presence of a bunch of clipboard wielding scientists blocking access to the bar, is apparently not enough to dissuade people from drinking, according to a new study in which it was determined after much scrutiny of the data (and noting that the sky above is a shade of blue) that people tend to drink more where the music is louder.

Over the course of three weekends French researchers were able to marry work and pleasure by frittering away grant money on what is patently obvious to anyone who’s ever sidled up to a bar and thought to themselves, ‘you know what? this place would be a hell of a lot more fun if there was a live band, or at the very least, a stereo’.

According to researchers at the University of Southern Brittany, ‘environmental music played in a bar is associated with an increase in drinking’, and while we’re not sure what this means exactly, it might refer to Al Gore sitting in with the house band playing a carbon negative stand up bass.

Now, we’ve done comparable research ourselves, but had to fund it out of pocket and call it a tab when we came up with our Top 10 Bar Songs of All Time, a list which we highly recommend. And if you’re ever in a bar where a bunch of eggheads are trying to spoil your good time, buy ‘em a round and crank these to oblivion.